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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 寄生蝇科 »

学名:Myxexoristops stolida
Parafrontal with 2 or 3 proclinate outer orbital setae。Abdomen entirely black or tergite 3 at most with a small red dish brown lateral spot. Tibiae black or evenly brown, but if sometimes light brown (in abietis) then the ground vestiture on tergites 3 and 4 recumbent also between median marginal and discal setae. [Mid tibia usually with 1 anterodorsal se ta.].Second costal section and often also third ventrally with some minute black setulae, which are as strong as the cor responding setulae of the first costal section (rarely only a single seta present on second costal section). Tergites 3–5 densely covered by a greyish, yellow or golden yellow prui nosity in the anterior 4 /5 of each segment. Scutellum reddish or yellow only at extreme tip. Tergite 3 laterally without a pair of reddish brown spots. Facial ridge above the vibrissa with some setulae and setulose hairs in lower 1 /3–2 /5.